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Week 3 w/b 2.10.23

Year 3 Spellings Homework


We have continued spelling different word endings and this week we have spelt words ending in 'al' and 'el'. 


Practise spelling words from the list below. In class, we tried spelling the word backwards e.g. quarrel -- lerrauq 

The children enjoyed spelling the words like this and how funny it sounded to read them out loud.


Year 3 Maths Homework


We have been using our HTO grids this week to make and change numbers. We tried to find 1, 10 or 100 more or less than a number. Have a go at making a 3-digit number with your child, choosing 1, 10 or 100. Then choose whether you will add or subtract the number.

Ask you child which digit you will be changing each time. 


Challenge: can you change two digits at a time. 


Ask your child to explain what number this is and how it has been made.



We even made numbers using Welsh - see below.
