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Mrs James-Griffiths talks about....

In addition to Newsletters,

Mrs James-Griffiths will be

sharing videos of aspects of school life.

July 2024

Mrs James-Griffiths talks about ... Reports

Find out key information about our new report template and how YOU can help to shape the future of Ton Yr Ywen.

February 2024

Mrs James-Griffiths talks about... Safety

Mrs James-Griffiths talks about keeping everyone safe in school.

October 2023

Show Racism the Red Card at Ton Yr Ywen

Mrs James Griffiths talks about...Diversity and Inclusion Staff and children talk about diversity and inclusion at Ton Yr Ywen

Ton Yr Ywen's Harvest Domino Rally

Mrs James-Griffiths talks about...coming together as a whole school, to help others this Harvest.

September 2023

Mrs James-Griffiths talks about...her first two weeks
