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Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

The school runs a free breakfast club each morning. It is available from 8:15am and is based in the School Canteen for the juniors (Years 3 to 6) and infant hall for the infants (reception to Year 2). The club is run by school staff and funded by a Welsh Assembly Government initiative.

Children are provided with breakfast and a range of activities until the school day starts. Children are able to attend all week or on specific days (as long as they are the same days each week).

Parents of children who use the Breakfast club must NOT drop their children off in the school yard unsupervised before 8:15am. Parents of Infant children should take their children to the door and hand them over to the Breakfast Club staff.



Dear Parents,


Should you require further information regarding breakfast club please contact the club manager directly - Karen Wozencroft,



Breakfast Club application form
