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Week 1 w/b 18.9.23

Spelling Homework w/b 18.09.23

This week we have been learning words with the suffix “le”. The children were given these spellings at the start of the week and continued to practise throughout the week. The children selected either Red, Orange or Green spellings words from the list to practise in class. You can continue with the same spelling list that your child chose, or practise all of the words together at home!




An activity that the children could do to learn these spellings at home would be to write their spellings in rainbow order using different coloured pencils. Have fun!

Year 3 Maths Homework w/b 18.9.23


This week in maths, we have learning how to make 2- and 3-digit numbers using Base 10 and bead strings. We have practised choosing a number from a 100 square and trying to make it in different ways. The children have also been able to partition a number into Hundreds, Tens and Ones.


For homework, have a go at making numbers in different ways using what you already have at home. You could use straws or lego. Make sure your child is grouping them in Tens and saying the number that they make. Ask them how many tens or ones there are. 



As a challenge, help your child to partition a number in different ways, try splitting up the tens. See the image below that separates the number 45 in four different ways using Base 10.

