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Digital Leaders

Please click on the link below to see our a PowerPoint Presentation about our roles as digital leaders and what we do throughout the school. 
Please see below some of the help guides we have made this year and have given out these help guides to teachers around the school!

Digital Leaders

Still image for this video

We are looking for pupils who:


  • Are passionate about learning with iPad
  • Can help and support others using the iPad, both inside and outside the classroom
  • Are good at explaining new ideas or teaching new skills
  • Are organised, independent, able to work as part of a team and willing to give of their free time



What is a digital leader?

Digital leaders are pupils who love using iPad and are super knowledgeable about how to use one in class.

As a digital leader, you may be asked to  help teachers, parents and even fellow pupils in any problems they might have with iPads in the classroom. A great digital leader will also share ideas about using iPad, from tips on apps you use in class to recommending new apps and gadgets for your teacher and other pupils.


What's in it for me?

As a digital leader you’ll get to share your iPad genius and really help your teacher get the most out of iPads in your classroom or even around the whole school. It may give you a chance to meet lots of new people and learn something new yourself! You will receive special training for the role so that you'll be confident to offer a helping hand. Most importantly, it’ll be lots of fun!



Interested in becoming a digital leader?

If your answer is yes, download the job description and application form by clicking on the button below.

Show us your passion and you might be the next digital leader!

Digital Leaders Pack

Watch this space to find out who we have selected to be

TYY's Digital Leaders!!

