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W/B 11.11.24

Spelling Homework w/b 11.11.24

This week we have been learning words with irregular verb tense changes. The children can select either Red,Orange or Green spellings words from the list to practise. You can practise the list that your child has chosen, or practise all of the words together at home!





blow          blew

grow          grew

throw        threw

blow          blew

grow          grew

throw        threw

sing            sang

ring            rang

drink         drank

begin         began

blow          blew

grow          grew

throw        threw

sing            sang

ring            rang

drink         drank

begin         began

feed          fed

meet         met

creep        crept

sleep         slept


An activity that the children could do to learn these spellings at home would be to write their spellings in rainbow order using different coloured pencils. Have fun!

Year 3 Maths Homework w/b 11.11.24


This week in maths, we have learning how to make pictograms and bar charts. We have practised collecting data and displaying that data in a range of different ways including, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. 


For homework, have a go at collecting your own data ( This could be the number of different colour cars on your street, your families favourite food etc) and turn this data into a pictogam or a bar chart.


Remember to label your Bar chart axis and add a key to your pictogram. 





