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Languages, Literacy and Communication


This week we have been learning how to spell the "ue" sound, as in the word "blue". There are different ways to spell this sound, for example:

"ew"   as in   "new"

"u-e"  as in "tune"


The words "to",  "too"  and "two" all feature this sound but have different meanings!

Please click on the link below to find more examples to practise:




This week in maths we have been learning bonds to 10. Can you find different objects around the house and see how many different ways you can make 10. Challenge yourself and make bonds to 20.

I Know My Number Bonds 10 | Number Bonds to 10 | Addition Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

Number bonds for 10 song. Number bonds are simply the pairs of numbers that make up a given number. Number bonds can also be called number partners or number pairs. Number bonds are a very important foundation for understanding how numbers work. Number bonds create fluency for composing and decomposing numbers for addition and subtraction.
